Monday 13 July 2009

Squirrel Update

As you may recall from a previous post, we had squirrels in the attic and they weren't in a hurry to leave. We made numerous trips to check the live trap and participate in the squirrel relocation program. Each time, the squirrels enjoyed their snacks and went on their merry way. They were obviously clever and industrious squirrels! Friends who live in rural communities gave us suggestions on what to do. Since then, the squirrels have either gone outside to enjoy the summer weather, or have gone to the "other side." However, we suspect the squirrels may be back in the spring as they have an entrance we can't find.


Hugh Mosher said...

I had to smile when reading the squirrel comments. I had similar problems with an old home I had owned and was renovating at 57 School Street in Liverpool in the 1980's. I still have a stuffed Gunn squirrel on my dresser and a T-shirt friends had made for me that says 'I may have squirrels in my attic but I am saving my nuts for you.' Th cottage looks great...Hugh Mosher

-Joel said...

Thanks for your comments Hugh, and I should get a similiar t-shirt, unless you have a copyright. -Joel