Tuesday 21 July 2009

Progress, it's a good thing!

As the expression goes, pictures are worth a thousand words.

Great Finds

One of the challenges with this renovation is storage. Where do you put all the stuff you need, while trying to work in the space? We try to keep things out of the contractor's way, and he's a good sport to work around the growing collection.

Another challenge is obtaining all the stuff you need without breaking the bank! We've been fortunate to discover some great finds at the Habitat for Humanity ReStore. Pictured here is an old counter from a golf shop that will be transformed into a kitchen island. If you have any clever ideas for painting techniques and the like, please share. We're happy to support a good cause and give new life to some retired furniture.

Monday 13 July 2009

Squirrel Update

As you may recall from a previous post, we had squirrels in the attic and they weren't in a hurry to leave. We made numerous trips to check the live trap and participate in the squirrel relocation program. Each time, the squirrels enjoyed their snacks and went on their merry way. They were obviously clever and industrious squirrels! Friends who live in rural communities gave us suggestions on what to do. Since then, the squirrels have either gone outside to enjoy the summer weather, or have gone to the "other side." However, we suspect the squirrels may be back in the spring as they have an entrance we can't find.

Wednesday 8 July 2009

Unusual Wildlife

There's so much to tell you about, but we'll start with the sighting of some unusual wildlife (at least unusual to us!).

We camped at Ulgedook on the weekend and were enjoying some pleasant evening weather (also rather unusual lately), and decided to have a small campfire. The stars were coming out, the mosquitoes were staying away and just before turning in for the night, we saw this exotic creature clinging to our camping torch. It's a luna moth.

A quick Google search will tell you these are unusual moths indeed. They have one purpose, to reproduce. They don't even have a mouth for feeding! Luna moths fall prey to bats which was unfortunate to learn as I've been thinking about hanging some bat houses to deal with the hoards of mosquitoes. And I thought dealing with squirrels was problematic. More about the squirrels in another post. Back to the luna moth. Apparently another obstacle to their raison d'etre is outside lights. The moths get so distracted by being attracted to light, they forget to look for a mate. And you thought the human dating scene is difficult!