Tuesday 21 July 2009

Great Finds

One of the challenges with this renovation is storage. Where do you put all the stuff you need, while trying to work in the space? We try to keep things out of the contractor's way, and he's a good sport to work around the growing collection.

Another challenge is obtaining all the stuff you need without breaking the bank! We've been fortunate to discover some great finds at the Habitat for Humanity ReStore. Pictured here is an old counter from a golf shop that will be transformed into a kitchen island. If you have any clever ideas for painting techniques and the like, please share. We're happy to support a good cause and give new life to some retired furniture.

1 comment:

April said...

If you're up for a day trip and have a good pair of shoes, I'm willing to share my favourite salvage yard with you :) I also have a copy of Debbie Travis' book on trompe l'oeil techniques if that's your game?

Great work, guys!