Monday 30 November 2009

Holiday Homes Tour

Susan and I have been privileged with an invitation to participate in the annual Holiday Homes Tour, presented by the Liverpool Privateer Days. We're responsible to decorate the church, and the event organizers provide us with a glorious wreath for the door, and two persons dressed in period costumes, including a Privateer to stand on guard. And then, on December 12th, we open our doors to the public to come and visit.

Susan has recruited a decorating team, and I have vowed to KEEP OUT OF THEIR WAY, and to curtail all input. I look forward to see their creations, which has started with a ten foot Christmas tree. Should be fun.

You can learn more from:
-a news article of last year's tour:

-announcement of this year's tour:

Tuesday 17 November 2009

Some last photos...

and I promise you that I won't bore you with (m)any more.

Monday 9 November 2009

Open House a Success

Our open house was well attended, with 70 guests in all. We were very pleased to learn that people were genuinely impressed with the transformations from retired church to cottage. We believe that people enjoyed themselves at the open house, and many took advantage of the roast beef supper put on by the East Port Medway Community Centre (a hearty feast, accompanied with a wide selection of desserts, for only $10).

Below are some pictures of the finished product.