Thursday 18 December 2008

Ulgedook Permanent Resident

For my birthday today, my brother gave me Mr. Potato Head (collector's edition), and informed me that this iconic toy was to reside in a special place at Ulgedook Cottage. With his classic funny face and interchangeable parts, Mr. Potato Head will amuse Ulgedook visitors both young and old alike.

Mr. Potato Head is an American toy consisting of a plastic model of a potato which can be decorated with a variety of attachable plastic parts such as ears and eyes to make a face. The toy was created by George Lerner in 1949, first manufactured by Hasbro in 1952, was the first toy advertised on television, and still remains in production today. In 2006, Hasbro also began selling individual pieces as sets to add to a collection instead of having to buy an entire Potato Head set with a body. Some of these themed sets include a Mermaid, Rockstar, Pirate, King, Princess, Firefighter, Construction Worker, Santa Claus, Chef, and Police Officer. With my affinity to Star Wars, I look forward to obtaining "Darth Tater."

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