Thursday, 11 September 2008

New Name

For weeks now, we have considered a name for the retired Wesley United Church. We sought a unique name that would be fitting for the area, and also respectful of the church's sacrosanctity. We had many suggestions to consider, thanks to suggestions from family and friends.

During our search for names, Joel discovered a book entitled "Port: Short History of Port Medway, Nova Scotia," written by E. Marguerite Letson in 1956. Ms. Letson traces the origin of the name for Port Medway to its first inhabitants, the Micmac (Mi'kmaq) Indians, who called the area Ulgedook. A variant of the word, ulgedoo, translates to the word mushroom.

It is now settled... the former Wesley United Church will be renamed Ulgedook Cottage.

Ulgedook - Mi'kmaq for Port Medway, and also for mushroom.

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